Sally-Anne | Abolish Arthritis

Sally-Anne’s Story

I look aghast at what I have just done.   My feeble hands with their Arthritic fingers have dropped my purse.    How am I going to pick it up?   It is years since I have been able to retrieve anything from the floor as my hips are seized up with Arthritis, as are my knees, feet and back.   There is no-one around.   The slightest movement shoots pain up my legs.

Using my walking stick, I push the purse across the floor – not easy given the limited area of stick surface for hitting it with.   Hobbling, I repeat this and slowly the purse reaches a chair.   What next?  I inch my feet away from the chair and gingerly put one hand on the seat.   With the other I carefully rest the stick against the table, ensuring it won’t fall, something it has done umpteen times.   Holding on to the chair, I very slowly lift my right leg in a straight line behind me and bend the slightly stronger left knee just enough to grasp the purse.   The slightest loss of balance will cause me to fall.    There is no-one to pick me up and there are no mobiles yet.

Got it!  Relief floods through me as I place the precious purse on the table.   I am so exhausted after this that I sit at the table for a rest.   Then self-pity overwhelms me and, cradling my arms round my head on the table, I start crying.   The pain never goes away, day or night.   Why does life have to be so very hard?


I was born in 1949 with no hip sockets and at 19 months went to hospital for two years. This involved numerous operations including taking bone from my pelvis to make sockets.   With my legs up on traction, unable to do anything, visitors brought me sweets. Those sweets and all foods that I thought were my friends were the catalyst for the agonising pain that plagued the first 35 years of my life.   Quite simply, I just wanted to die.

At the age of 40, I came across an amazing man who told me something that completely shocked me.

“Your Arthritis is caused by what you have put in your mouth.”   As I absorbed this eye-opening truth, he went on to say, “The good news is that you can cure it by what you put in your mouth.”


I threw my heart into this new regime.   I just knew that one day I was going to be better.  Gradually the pain lessened and one day I realised I had no pain.   I had won!  My Arthritis has gone!

I was still very stiff so worked on exercise and my joints started to loosen up and become supple.   The huge Arthritic joints on my fingers reduced.


Since becoming pain free.   I have managed to get back on a horse again.   I entered a show jumping competition and got a clear round coming second.   Best of all, I climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.   Standing at the top, I remembered my fear when, wracked in pain, my G.P. told me nothing could be done.   Oh the joy of being pain free!


I am so well now at 71 and cannot stop thanking The Lord for my pain free good health


Please e-mail me for an overview of this genuine solution “3 Reasons Your Arthritis is Getting Worse” and do download my brochure.